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Wedding Traditions Part II

In this edition of weddings traditions we delve into the meaning and history of rings, the honeymoon and throwing of confetti.

In very early times the engagement ring was given as partial payment for the bride and was a symbol of the groom's good intentions. The first engagement rings were made of grass and later from leather, stone and crude metals.

Diamonds became a feature in engagement rings in medieval Italy as they were the strongest gem thereby representing enduring love.

The wedding ring, exchanged during the wedding ceremony, is also a symbol of eternal love. The rings are placed on the fourth finger on the left hand as the ancient Egyptians believed this finger contained the vein that led to the heart.

The Honeymoon began in early Norther Europe where newly married couples drank a fermented honey drink for thirty days or until the moon waned. This time became known as the honeymoon.

In ancient times when the bride was captured, the groom hid his bride to prevent angry relatives from finding her. From this came the concept of the honeymoon trip. I think I much prefer the more recent tradition of a holiday and relaxing to start married life!!!!

The throwing of confetti originated in the Oriental Countries with the throwing of rice to symbolise good luck, fertility and prosperity. Over time it has evolved into the coloured paper confetti we know today. Other alternatives are throwing of rice, rose petals, even bubbles and other flowers.

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